Saturday, 15 July 2023

                                                                NATIONAL SEMINAR ON

                                                 PROMOTING POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY                                                                                                  MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING 

                                 ORGANISED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY;                                                                                         KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY   WARANGAL; TS  

                                     TOPIC:      YOGA, MEDITATION AND SPIRITUALITY



Assistant Professor; M.Ed Faculty; 2018-2019

College of Teacher Education (CTE)

AMS (Andhra Mahila Sabha)/ DDMS


E-mail: s.madhuha@gmail.com


If you are really looking for truth don’t assume anything – just seek      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BY JAGGI VASUDEV “Sadguru “ISHA 


According to the aim of this scientific event which is to discuss case studies, theoretical and critical approaches to positive psychology in the context of mental health and well being, the present article reveals the study on a focussed small group of 20 members practising Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality through direct participant observation and discussion where the investigator looks in-depth into the effect of yoga meditation and spirituality on the positive psychology. The participating individuals’ observation showed that there is significant positive relation between yoga, meditation and spirituality with over all well being of the individuals in the group.   

KEY WORDS:  Positive Psychology, Mental Health, Well Being, Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality


  In the present societal context where Commercialisation, Industrialisation, Globalisation have immense toll on individual health, positive psychology aims at overall well being of the individual especially in emotional social physical and mental areas.

Ill health is the loss of balance in the perspective of positive psychology. There are many techniques striving to bring in healthy balance into every individuals life. Among such traditional techniques revival and upsurge of techniques like Reiki, Yoga,  Meditation,  Spirituality and Rituals is taking place in order to deal with the present scenario of the society to transform  it into healthy and a befitting society. 

Yoga meditation spirituality are all experiential sciences more practised and experienced, all three being subjective , needs committed work in order to gain its full benefits through a guru or spiritual guide.

Scientific research has shown that the very fundamentals of the brains activity, inner chemistry and genetic predispositions can be changed by practicing certain systems of yoga and meditation. Yoga meditation and spirituality are essentially different dimensional technologies to change the shape or nature of who we are. 

Taking charge of our health moving from gross to subtle and moving to a state of higher level of consciousness through meditation and yoga is spirituality. This being the case, branch of positive psychology will be utmost beneficial to the mankind if it uses the techniques that take the help of meditation, spirituality and yogic sciences 


1. To find the relative effect of yoga meditation and spirituality on physical, mental health and overall well being.

2. To know the extent to which such Indian ancient cultural practices will be beneficial for the recently developed positive psychology.

3. To know how the age old problems even though were less in measure and depths compared to present times are alienated with such ancient traditional techniques.


1. There exists an effect of Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality on the physical health, mental health and overall wellbeing of the individuals. 

2. There exists usefulness of Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality in solving varied physical, social & psychological problems which range from simple to complicated versions. 

3. There exist techniques in Yoga, meditation & Spirituality capable of tackling both the age old and modern problems with same effect along with the treatment of the chronic ailments. 


YOGA: Yoga is the union with the entire existence or cosmos. It is the alignment of body, mind, breath and energies for opening the gates of higher dimensions leading to self–transcendence. Hence yoga is the ultimate goal in abstract sense to be achieved by the seeker or sadhak for connecting with higher consciousness and attaining self-realization. 

More than a set of physical postures yoga is a science not only to determine the nature of who we are And what we want to be but also for changing the very fundamentals of our existence.

MEDITATION: According to Kamalesh.D.Patel ‘Daaji’ of Sahaj Marg - “Meditation is just silencing the mind without any thought. Meditation is a process in which we shift from thinking to feeling. It is a journey from the complexity of mind to the simplicity of heart.” 

SPIRITUALITY: Many think spirituality is opposite of materialism and a different style of living or different way of life but spirituality is a part and parcel of life we cannot separate it from life like emotional , physical , intellectual or social dimensions of any individual.  

Hence Spirituality is not just a concept to talk about it’s a part of life to be accepted and being who you are. According to Sadguru JV “If we cultivate our body mind emotions and energies to a certain level of maturity something else blossoms in us - that is what is spirituality “


Direct and Participant observation method is used with participant observation of a 20 member focussed group. 


The focussed group of 20 participants in the Isha Foundation run seven day program of Inner Engineering revealed the changes occurred in their behaviour patterns health issues thought patterns etc after 40 day Mandala program and two Satsang sessions. The seven day program mainly involved yoga asanas, meditation techniques and spiritual discourses.  


Participants with chronic diseases, other ailments both physical and psychological were present in the program. Participants above 12 yrs were of varied age groups and from different fields.  Mainly students, software professionals, teaching community persons, health professionals, businessmen, entrepreneurs, retired employees and others participated in the program. Participants were from the gender, both men and women. Women who were working, married, unmarried, housewives, pregnant & mothers of different age groups participated in the group program. 


  At the end of each session participants were called on to note down and reveal their , observed changes in their health , behaviour etc. 


 The observations were segregated, based on the ailments they were facing before the program and their experiences regarding different dimensions of consciousness. 


The systematically planned program went on successfully. The observations included the following: 

1. Change in Behaviour 

2. Better sleep 

3. Change in Eating habits 

4. Timely Waking up 

5. Enhancement of Study skills 

6. Better Concentration 

7. Memory improvement 

8. Undergone Higher levels of experience 

9. Experienced Happiness / State of blissfulness 

10. Experienced Contentment / Feelings of joy 

11. Better social and emotional adjustment at home and work place 

12. Changing to the best dietary habits 

13. Concentrating on meaningfulness. 

14. Experienced Aesthetic momentary glimpses.

15. Concentrating more on present rather than on past or future etc


There was drastic improvement and slow development in the different areas of physical, social, emotional, psychological wellbeing of the individuals after the participants in the group have undergone the program moving towards positive over all wellbeing of the individual. 


An opinion from a participant after the program in his own words, initially it was like uff, I have to do all these practices but as days passed practice became easy. Body is supporting very well and daily I will be eager to do yoga practice. It’s synching into my life smoothly. The benefits I observed for me are:

1. Sound sleep

2. Food control ( proud to say that craving for food is gone totally)

3. I observe change in my perception of looking at things everything, is like never before. 

4. My breathing pattern has changed- it’s like settled and smooth 

There may be other things which I couldn’t notice but I’m sure something is happening within me. On this note I would like to thank Sadguru for giving IE to the world and wish all others to take IE. I also thank Program Teachers, Volunteers and my IE group members for being there and helping each other. I continue doing Yoga practice two times a day even after Mandala may be my body scolds me if I do not. Thank you one and all. Pranam. 


During spiritual journey many undergo different subjective experiences as mentioned by group participants especially exuberance, visions etc. An analytical note on the subjective experiences is mentioned below as a precautionary measure so that getting carried away by such experiences to extremity is not at all recommended by any techniques of spirituality.  

As has been pointed out by Swami Saradananda in “Ramakrishna- The great master” - That which does not lead to steadfastness and strength of character, that which does not enable the man to take a stand on the rock of purity for the sake of truth in defiance of the whole world, or that which entangles him more and more in various kinds of desires instead setting him free from them, is outside the realm of spirituality.

If extraordinary visions etc have not produced such results in sadhak (one who practices ascetic life) life and nevertheless they are having those visions, know that sadhak is still outside the realm of spirituality and that they are due to a diseased brain and so are of no value, if on the other hand instead of having wonderful visions and experiences, sadhak finds himself acquiring strength, know for certain that sadhak is on the right path and that sadhak will also have these visions and experiences at a proper time. 

Sri Ramakrishna consoled a disciple who could not experience Bhavasamadhi “Know that for certain that true faith and renunciation are far greater. Swami Vivekananda generally did not have such experiences but his renunciation, faith, vigour and steadfastness are far greater.  

Swami Vivekananda also laid more stress on character than subjective experiences like visions etc. The purpose of all spiritual disciplines - knowledge, devotion, concentration or work -has been pointed out by Sri Sankara, the great harmonizer, as chittasuddhi, purification of the mind. In the purified mind knowledge or devotion or whatever you may call it, dawns and liberation is achieved which is the ultimate goal of all spiritual disciplines.


Positive Psychology indeed needs such ancient Indian techniques to enhance over all well being of the individual. But this article envisions, states and concludes that for the person who aims at the ultimate goal of spiritual disciplines through yoga and meditation , the Physical, mental health and overall well being of individual advocated by the positive psychology becomes their natural acquisition as huge magnet attracts the iron pieces. 


           Service and Spirituality; Swami Swahananda Published by Ramakrishna Math 1986

           Isha Newsletters; Isha Forest Flower magazines 

          Sahaj Marg online Daily quotes 

                                                                                                                 THANK YOU  

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